Thursday, June 5, 2014

Just Sat

Recently I had a long gap between errands.
I was waiting more than an hour at a city park.
I went around the walking trail circle.
Then I just sat.

It only took a little while for my body to recover.
Then I noticed my internal mental chatter.

I had done all the important planning and praying.
I had worked out my ordinary life challenges in my mind during my walk.

There was nothing more I could work on mentally.
I was free to just BE.
Now that is easy to say.
But it is challenging to do.

It was tempting to get absorbed in observing the birds all around.
But I knew I was avoiding a deeper issue by going in that direction.

I have been practicing basic meditation of observing the breath for years.
I could DO that but again that is a work.

For what seemed like a long time but was likely very brief I just sat.

The reading I have encountered lately advocated just letting myself be.
That looks so simple in print.
But for me it is about as challenging as standing on my head.
Many years ago I took a yoga class where I did eventually learn to stand on my head.
Maybe and just maybe I can get better at just sitting.

There is related readings I have encountered lately.
It advocated learning to love myself.
I am really clueless about that one.
But I suspect as I learn to just sit that might become more possible.

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