Monday, June 30, 2014

Ball Point Pens

One advantage of surviving six decades is greater perspective on the present.

I was writing in my journal with a ball point pen.
I got it for free at a trade show long ago.
It is a good quality pen that has served me well.

Then I recalled the first ball point pens I used as a child.
They sometimes skipped and leaked.
They left spots of ink on the paper.

Before that I used cartridge fountain pens in school
Those could be a bigger mess.

I am grateful for the advancing of technologies related to pens.

I see you there silent servant

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nest Building Frenzy

Nest building frenzy is happening in the top of that tree.
The pair of birds are rapidly gathering twigs and strips of grass.

The resting place for the future eggs is progressing.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ceiling Fan

The ceiling fan spins at different speeds.
I can command the kind of breeze I want.
I get tired of refrigerated air coming at me from the air conditioner.
When the temperature outside is mild the ceiling fan is a friend.

I see you there silent servant.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lowly Garbage Bags

Recently I took the trash from the kitchen and dumped it into the garbage can.
There was the super thin garbage bag lining the container.
The bad stuff went where it belongs and the trash can stayed clean.
That light weight garbage bag did the job well.

Weeks ago there was a situation when the garbage bag liners were not used.
The mess left behind was terrible.
It took much time and energy to clean the container.

This is another part of my modern life that I tend to take for granted.

I see you there silent servant.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Creativity Wheels Oiled

Writing small stones daily keeps the creativity wheels oiled.

That in turn helps me with my other writings.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Clouds Leaking

Under the thunderheads at a distance I could watch the rain falling in sheets.

It was like the dark clouds were leaking while having spasms. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pigeons Seek

Pigeons persistently seek food scraps at the busy downtown bus stop.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Birthday Blues

My birthday will be this Wednesday April 23.
I will be 61 years old.

I normally do not tell anyone.
I let it just slide by like any other day.
My father and brother call me from out of state.
And that is OK with me normally.

Last year the big six-zero felt like a huge milestone.
I went through a series of major mental and emotional sensations.
They went on for weeks before the day then faded away.
This year they started a few days before and are less.

I had high expectations for my life from youth.
I sought to start a business then become wealthy and retire early.

Those changed when I came to faith in Christ at 23 years old.
My day of amazing grace was January 16, 1977.
I have earnestly and completely committed my life to Jesus Christ hundreds of times.
I believe God called me to ministry in 1977.
I believe He has been revealing to me many parts of my calling over the decades.
For many years it seemed impossible then the Internet became a reality.
I know God has put on my heart an innovative web based ministry.

When I pray and get still the same impressions occur to me.
And sometimes God adds more.
The ones I am called to serve are those in the poorest countries.
I will work with volunteer college students to collaboratively create educational modules.
These will be addressed to serve orphans, subsistence farmers and rural pastors.
The lessons will start in English and then be translated into many other languages.
The clients will access these at community based libraries.
Those who need education the most can afford it the least.
But they can borrow materials as we work out ways to fund small libraries.

Most people who pray for me have heard me state that before.
But I need to again at this time.
That is because I have been feeling depressed and discouraged.
There has not been much progress on this ministry for a long time.

These days as each day passes I know I am getting closer to my last day.
I some evenings feel anxious that I have not done more for the kingdom of God that day.

I have been reminded recently that apart from Christ I can do nothing.
Yet as I abide in the True Vine I will bear much good fruit.

At times like this I identify with Joseph in the prison.
In due time God moved him into position to complete his destiny.

I ask your prayers for my mental and emotional heath.
May the Holy Spirit encourage me.
May God connect me with the right people right on time.

Pray for me to pray better.
May I consistently improve my spiritual disciplines.

May God grant me strength and courage to face my fears.


When Did Shouting

When did shouting at a small child cause the crying in public to suddenly stop?

Friday, June 20, 2014

One Sweaty Walk

One sweaty walk in the noontime summer sun was a vivid reminder of how much I take air conditioning for granted.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Bamboo Hedge

The bamboo hedge is made up of an abundance of tall thin units.
When they grow alone they are weak and willowy.

But when crowded together they make up a dense green curtain from the neighbor.  

Patches of Wrinkles

Patches of wrinkles flowed across the surface of the lake.

These showed the path and progress of the gusts of wind.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Many Men

The huge lawns around the city lake take many men to mow on massive machines. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

One Big Bush

One big bush in full flower is attracting bees, butterflies and other insects.

Thousands of tiny purple blossoms are feeding these lovely little creatures.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Does Not Care

The lawn does not care that you recently put a neat edge on the sidewalk.

Just wait a long while and see what happens to that crisp edge.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Spots of Glare

Midday sun causes bright spots of glare to reflect off cars.

Super intense points of light beam at me.

Driving by an auto dealership parking lot at the right time can be startling. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lone Bird

The lone bird on the street light sees you driving by.
He is not impressed with the make, model or year of your vehicle.

So unless you have some eatable litter then you can just keep on going.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bamboo Hedge

The bamboo hedge is made up of an abundance of tall thin units.
When they grow alone they are weak and willowy.

But when crowded together they make up a dense green curtain from the neighbor. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Mockingbird Surveyed

From the peak of the house the mockingbird surveyed the front yard.

For this moment his territory seems secure.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Just Sat

Recently I had a long gap between errands.
I was waiting more than an hour at a city park.
I went around the walking trail circle.
Then I just sat.

It only took a little while for my body to recover.
Then I noticed my internal mental chatter.

I had done all the important planning and praying.
I had worked out my ordinary life challenges in my mind during my walk.

There was nothing more I could work on mentally.
I was free to just BE.
Now that is easy to say.
But it is challenging to do.

It was tempting to get absorbed in observing the birds all around.
But I knew I was avoiding a deeper issue by going in that direction.

I have been practicing basic meditation of observing the breath for years.
I could DO that but again that is a work.

For what seemed like a long time but was likely very brief I just sat.

The reading I have encountered lately advocated just letting myself be.
That looks so simple in print.
But for me it is about as challenging as standing on my head.
Many years ago I took a yoga class where I did eventually learn to stand on my head.
Maybe and just maybe I can get better at just sitting.

There is related readings I have encountered lately.
It advocated learning to love myself.
I am really clueless about that one.
But I suspect as I learn to just sit that might become more possible.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bolts Just Hold

Shortly before the airplane lands the bolts just hold the tires in place.

But then WHAM there is touch down.

I cannot imagine the forces that are experienced by those bolts.

During a short time the fast moving airplane goes from flying to stopped.

The weight of the passenger plane must be enormous.

Clever engineers understand all these variables.

I see you there silent servants.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Symphony of Movements

The metropolitan airport has more than just for passenger planes.

In order to conduct business every hour there must be a symphony of movements.

There are a wide range of people moving devices interacting constantly.

This continual dance includes planes, trams, buses, vans, taxis, cars and limos.

Some smart people designed, built and manage these complex operations.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Vigorous Weed

One very vigorous weed seed just needed that tiny crack in the sidewalk pavement.

Soon a small bud emerged into the sunlight.
The rains came and went.
The weeks past.
The leaves and stems grew.

About a month later the tall stalks had crowded clusters of white blossoms.
Next the seed pods appeared soon after the blossoms faded.
And each tiny seed sought some suitable soil.

This cycle of nature made another round.

Just as it has for untold millenniums.