Friday, August 15, 2014

Light Bulbs

I noticed the florescent light fixture in the ceiling at the corner of the room.
This was far from the window, yet there was plenty of light to walk around the furniture.

I looked carefully to notice what I was seeing.
There was a tube like device that was radiating plenty of light.
I could not see it from there but I knew there was a switch on a wall.
The switch was used to activate the bulb.
To the outside observer that is all that was visible.
But there were many hidden parts and processes at work.

There were many clever scientists and engineers involved to make this happen.
I could never comprehend all the related details.

Then I imagined teenagers that were put in a time travel machine.
Sent back to the Middle Ages and then told to describe light bulbs.
He could be interviewed by the best minds of the land.
At best that person could draw crude sketches.
They could describe what it was like to turn lights on and off.

What happens in the switch, light fixture, light bulb and power plant are a wonder.
The fact that we can afford to have so much light at night is a little amazing.
The richest kings and queens of the Middle Ages did not have one single light bulb.

How many other marvels of our modern lifestyle can be uncovered?
Imaginary time travel is one way to gain a new perspective.
Also considering those in severe poverty is another way to notice our daily blessings.

Light bulbs and the systems to make them work are silent servants.

I see you there silent servants.

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