Friday, March 14, 2014

Holding Future Light

Recently I was changing a light bulb.
Then I considered what I had in my hand.
That light bulb was just a common thing.
But tomorrow and for a long time after that thing will bring light.
Darkness will be dispelled in my bedroom due to that affordable item.

My interior and exterior environments are populated with lots of light bulbs.
Recently I drove down a residential road without many street lights.
My headlights pierced the night as the road appeared right before me.
There are photos of the earth at night that show how much light each city shines.

I consider that before Thomas Edison such lights bulbs did not exist.
There were lanterns, candles, torches and fireplaces.
Also in many of the poorest countries electric lighting is not common today.
The royalty and rich did not have light bulbs centuries ago.
It was not until about WWI era that mansions like Downton Abbey got electric lights.

I acknowledge that I take for granted such modern conveniences.
I am grateful for all the technologies, companies and people behind each light bulb.

My residence has plenty of light in places I want it during the day and night.
These many bulbs make my life convenient, comfortable and safe.

I see you there silent servants.

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