Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Puddle

The little puddle on the patio arrived last night.
It came from the silent the rain shower while I slept.

The sky is still overcast at mid-morning.
So the blazing sun remains blocked.

“So sorry to say little puddle, but you must go soon.
Your departure comes after the big bright sun returns.”

Sure enough, before nightfall the sun had appeared and the little puddle had disappeared.

Such is the way of nature all around the globe.
This pattern has always repeated and will continue to repeat.

The power of life or death is tangled up in the cycles of water.
That little puddle is just a reminder of a much bigger system.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Clouds Slide Along

Clouds slide along on the unseen air currents.

They appeal as globs, blotches and wisps. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meals Suddenly Appeared

I was seated at a large table.
It was in a huge hotel ballroom.

Then the word was given from the podium.
Meals suddenly appeared for all the banquet guests.

Servers stream in carrying trays.
Each tray is full of plates.
Each plate has a lovely arrangement of delicious food.

Guests begin to enjoy the feast.
Untold hours of planning and cooking pay off.

Pleasant conversations rise and fall.

Tea and water are refilled.

Empty plates are taken.

Coffee is served.

Then the round of speakers for the evening begins.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Pencils down (Instruction given at the end of time for a standardized test in school, like the SAT.) Minimal Monday

Pencils down

(Instruction given at the end of time for a standardized test in school, like the SAT.)

Minimal Monday

Friday, March 21, 2014

Patient’s Healing Protocol

Feels poorly
Sets doctor’s appointment
Goes to doctor’s office
Waits in waiting room
Visits doctor
Gets Rx
Fills Rx
Takes medicine

Feels better 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Awning Blocks

The awning blocks the sprinkles.
So I stay dry.

I can sit in the chair provided by the store.
That is my seat of witness.
I watch the cars and people pass by.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

On by Timer

Porch lights were turned on early by a timer.

As the sun set the lights seemed to move from the obscure background to the essential foreground.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ca-ching Minimal Monday

Snatched a Snack

The brown bird snatched a snack.
It was from the discarded fast food sack in the parking lot.

Then the chase was on.
The other brown birds sought to take it away.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Holding Future Light

Recently I was changing a light bulb.
Then I considered what I had in my hand.
That light bulb was just a common thing.
But tomorrow and for a long time after that thing will bring light.
Darkness will be dispelled in my bedroom due to that affordable item.

My interior and exterior environments are populated with lots of light bulbs.
Recently I drove down a residential road without many street lights.
My headlights pierced the night as the road appeared right before me.
There are photos of the earth at night that show how much light each city shines.

I consider that before Thomas Edison such lights bulbs did not exist.
There were lanterns, candles, torches and fireplaces.
Also in many of the poorest countries electric lighting is not common today.
The royalty and rich did not have light bulbs centuries ago.
It was not until about WWI era that mansions like Downton Abbey got electric lights.

I acknowledge that I take for granted such modern conveniences.
I am grateful for all the technologies, companies and people behind each light bulb.

My residence has plenty of light in places I want it during the day and night.
These many bulbs make my life convenient, comfortable and safe.

I see you there silent servants.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Needs Met

Needs are not wants.
Ads focus on what I do not have.
I have enough food for today and tomorrow.
I have decent clothes and shelter.
My health is OK.

There are lots of areas for improvements.

The glass is half full.

Let me notice my needs are met and be grateful.
It takes discipline to let go of my lust for more.

Stand Out Starkly

Bare winter tree branches 
stand out starkly 
against the milky white 
of the overcast skies.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Next Destination

Cars and trucks whirl past at highway speeds.
Rapidly they are approaching their next destination.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Not Gone there Before

Workers were resurfacing the parking lot of a familiar large store.
My detour took me down and around the outside edges of the lot.
I had not gone there before.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sit Securely

The metal chair is held together thanks to the work of the welder.
Those joints are united by beads of melted steel that were carefully placed.

The welder and his equipment are long gone.
The paint hides the solid contacts.
Yet without skill applied properly there would be no chair.

Today I can sit securely due to those solidly connected parts.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

In Order Here

The stickers on the windshield tell others that the vehicle was inspected and registered.

So keep moving along police officer, things are in order here.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

All Manner of Sounds

All manner of sounds come from the freeway.
As the cars and trucks pass there is a wake of various noises.
The tires, motors and swirling air combine to make a unique signature for each vehicle.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dead or Dormant

The bare cluster of branches demonstrates no sign of life.
These are near the parking lot.
I faintly recall there was a row of little bushes there last year.
But this is early March.

So in a few months it will be evident if the plant is dead or dormant.