Thursday, October 2, 2014


I was sitting in a park doing my journaling and praying.

While doing those healthy habits I sought a topic for another small stone.
Then I noticed a replica of an historic log cabin.
That primitive building is an oddity and stark contrast in downtown Dallas.

The millions of residents in the greater Dallas Metroplex did not show up here instantly.
There is always an historic context for anything we observe.
That includes huge office buildings, luxury condos, suburban houses and apartment complexes.
The crude cabin I saw is smaller than most bedrooms.
Such humble abodes were the way pioneers and settlers survived.

The rough cut timbers had some substance to fill the gaps.
This kept out the cold and rain.

What struck me was the fireplace.
There were many crudely shaped rocks held together by mortar.
This simple structure allowed the fire in the fireplace to fulfill its purposes.
The fire brought light, heat and the ability to cook.
Based on my childhood memories it also was a memorizing companion.

The fire was useful and safe when contained.
Yet it was located very close to the wooden floor of the cabin.
The danger of the loss of things and life due to accidental fires was contained.
That assembly of rocks with mortar made life possible in an unfriendly setting.

The modern fireplace is just as wonderful in its own ways.
It too serves purposes that are not tied directly to survival.

I see you there silent servants.

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