Friday, May 30, 2014

Bed Stretches

This morning I woke up naturally on time.
I always like waking that way instead of the rudeness of an alarm clock.

Previous mornings I would do a few hand stretches before getting out of bed.
But this morning I did many stretches for my whole body.

Years ago I went to a stretch class twice a week.
As I was stretching this morning I recalled those instructions.
I did them slowly and gracefully.
I transitioned from one to another as my intuition seemed to prompt me.

For some reason my ankles wanted special attention today.
I injured them many years ago.
Because I was self paced instead of in a class I took all the time they wanted.

After doing all the stretches I could while in bed I stood up.
Then I did more stretches on my feet.

Most of the time I had my eyes closed.
I was paying close attention to how my body felt.
I stopped many times to rest briefly.
This took a long time but it was a pleasant way to start my day.

Previously I did some full body stretches after I got up and had a bath.
But this felt much better coming from the relaxed state of sleep.

It is my intention to do this more mornings and hope it becomes a natural habit.

Note that stretching is very important for me.
Most of my days and nights are sitting at the computer or driving.
I must make a special effort to go for a walk in the neighborhood.
Other than walking I do not get much exercise.

Keeping my body limber helps with my thinking and emotions.
When my mind, body and emotions are in good order then I am more productive.

That can be measured in my life by the quality of my writing and peacefulness of my conversations. 

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