Friday, May 30, 2014

Bed Stretches

This morning I woke up naturally on time.
I always like waking that way instead of the rudeness of an alarm clock.

Previous mornings I would do a few hand stretches before getting out of bed.
But this morning I did many stretches for my whole body.

Years ago I went to a stretch class twice a week.
As I was stretching this morning I recalled those instructions.
I did them slowly and gracefully.
I transitioned from one to another as my intuition seemed to prompt me.

For some reason my ankles wanted special attention today.
I injured them many years ago.
Because I was self paced instead of in a class I took all the time they wanted.

After doing all the stretches I could while in bed I stood up.
Then I did more stretches on my feet.

Most of the time I had my eyes closed.
I was paying close attention to how my body felt.
I stopped many times to rest briefly.
This took a long time but it was a pleasant way to start my day.

Previously I did some full body stretches after I got up and had a bath.
But this felt much better coming from the relaxed state of sleep.

It is my intention to do this more mornings and hope it becomes a natural habit.

Note that stretching is very important for me.
Most of my days and nights are sitting at the computer or driving.
I must make a special effort to go for a walk in the neighborhood.
Other than walking I do not get much exercise.

Keeping my body limber helps with my thinking and emotions.
When my mind, body and emotions are in good order then I am more productive.

That can be measured in my life by the quality of my writing and peacefulness of my conversations. 

Just Another Uniform

A man’s business suit is his workplace uniform.
This uniform is expected by lawyers at the courtroom.
Most business executives wear a similar outfit.

On one hand this kind of attire is special.
But on the other hand consider others that wear uniforms.
Consider the police officers, fast food clerks, fire fighters, janitors and soldiers.

On college campuses there are less clearly defined uniforms.
But when the uniforms of the cliches are contrasted then patterns emerge.

Consider the jocks, nerds, fraternity brothers, druggies, etc.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Redeeming My Time While Driving

Recently living in the now has helped me while driving.

I can invest some time during driving to use my mind to solve problems, plan and review my priorities. But there is only so much I can accomplish while there.

There have come times when I ran out of items to mentally process. But my brain was still in gear. It was processing useless considerations or going around in loops.

Fortunately I have noticed myself in those silly spirals. So I just gently placed my attention on the here and now.

Yesterday for example it was partly cloudy. The clouds were especially lovely. They offered a wide range of fluffy white clouds with patches of gray.

Sometimes the trees, hedges and landscaping are a useful focus for my attention.

While on boring parts of highways I pay attention to my breathing. I follow each inhale and exhale as best I can.

Another way to get into the here and now is to pay attention to parts of my body. One by one I feel my hands, feet, back, neck, etc.

Driving had been a source of stress and fatigue. But as I come back to the here and now it is not as draining.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Shakers Wait

Waiting patiently at the restaurant table the salt and pepper shakers wait.

The standard condiment dispensers are ready at hand for all who sit there day or night.

I see you there silent partners. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Birdie Resting

Birdie on the barbed wire fence is resting between flights.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Patches of Light

Patches of light and shadows appeared on the large two story house.

They were caused as the setting sun passed through the huge tree across the street. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Purple Parade

This week the purple blossoms are showing off along the trail around the city park lake.

That are like buttercups but a different shape.

These weeds have been tucked away in the grasses all year yet not noticed.

Not long from today they will go back into hiding. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Front Yard Gardens

I appreciate my neighbors who invest time in their front yard gardens.

The beautiful flowers are a visual delight while taking my walks.

And let me give a shout out to those companies that offer lovely landscaping.

Their thoughtfulness and expenses haves made my day more pleasant when driving by. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How Foolish of Me

How foolish of me to neglect taking walks regularly.

Recently I was reminded in my body and mind that it is very worthwhile. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bees Hover

Honey bees hover over clover blossoms.

This brings back pleasant and painful memories from my childhood.  

Hand Rails

Hand rails line the halls at the senior center.
These humble bars offer support as needed.

I see you there silent servants. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Athletes Go Round and Round

Aspiring athletes go round and round the oval high school track. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Staring at Trees

Why does staring at trees swaying in the breeze refresh my soul?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Creator Sparkles

The Creator sparkles up the vacant lot with colorful blooms from what are called weeds.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Highway Stripes

The highway strips help motorists move both fast and safely.

I see you there silent servants.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sugar Packets

A little serving of sweet power is wrapped in paper.

Handy stacks of sugar packets may get opened then dumped into coffee or iced tea today.

I see you there silent servants.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Same Words

I sit with my favorite book.
I read the same pages.
This time the same words have yet a deeper meaning.

The words did not change.

So I must have changed.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Miles and Miles

After miles and miles of farmland the welcomed sight of a large gas station appeared on a hill.

My anxiety level dissolved as the gas gauge rose from Empty to three quarters of a tank.

Then it was back on the road to the distant destination without glancing at the gauge repeatedly.

Snake Along

Early morning commuters fill out the highway lanes.
They snake along as fast as they can safety.

Many citizens are briefly sharing this space.
Soon they will occupy their workstations for a long while.
Then their orderly procession goes in the reverse direction.

This pattern repeats and repeats and repeats.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

River Rocks

Those smooth river rocks are far from their home.

They fill the flower beds and prevent weeds from growing.
This college campus looks more attractive.

Lots of people were involved in getting them there.
They planned, purchased, prepared and placed them.

Their thoughtfulness made my day more pleasant.

I see you there silent servants.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fresh Page

Turning the page when writing in my journal.
Brand new vistas of options open up.
The fresh page just waits silently.

The thoughts and feelings formulate.
The words come quickly or slowly.

Gradually my mind and emotions are cleansed for another day.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What will I wear? Minimal Mondays

My closet is more than half full of thrift store bargains.
My daily wear is for my home office and to run errands.
When I get dressed in the morning I put on what catches my eye.

Then when going to a special place I might pause and reflect.
It rarely takes me more than one to three minutes to choose then.

I hear that women can take a long time to select what to wear.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Rearview Mirrors

Rearview mirrors function like eyes in the back of my head.

They keep me safe as well as my passengers and those vehicles around me.

I see you there silent servants.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Some Mulch

Some mulch sinks in a good way for soil.

Other mulch just looks nice.

I see you there silent servant