Friday, April 11, 2014

Point C Mess

Two cars left home.
One was white and the other one was red.
They were unaware of what the afternoon held.

We will call the start of the journey Point A for each one.
Each one had in mind a destination that we will call Point B for each one.

BUT at a busy intersection the white car collided with the red one.
We will call that Point C.
This incident was unplanned and unexpected.
The wreck took seconds to happen.
The results caused lots of other people to get involved.
It took a long time for the ripples of that event to calm.

Many other drivers witnessed the events.
Several of them called the emergency dispatchers at 9-1-1.

Fortunately no person was harmed.
But the vehicles sustained much damage.

Soon the police, ambulance and fire department arrived on the scene.
Statements were taken.
The detailed and multifaceted record of the brief event was made.

The insurance companies were informed.
They got involved.
Later money changed hands.

The body shops got involved.
They were paid.

The nearby Emergency Room was not involved this time.
But they continued their 24-7 vigilant stand by status in case of injuries.

On that day the two Point B destinations were not reached.
Instead the Point C mess led to lots of other ripples.

1 comment:

  1. I was taking a walk around a lake in a city park yesterday.

    I saw such a collection of red car, white car, police, ambulance and fire truck.

    This is my mindful reflection on what I saw.

    Essentially I like to view my world through the lens of systems.
    So here are the interlinking systems related to that or any wreck.
