Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Familiar Yellow Pencil

Familiar yellow pencil has been sharpened a few times.

It lost a little from the original physical length.

But while in use it has laid down a very long length of useful lines for me.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wall Clock

Good ole clock on the wall just continues to quietly proclaim the time.

The current time is also available on cell phones, watches and laptops.
But still the wall clock that goes back more than a century serves an essential purpose.

I see you there silent servant. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Who am I?

Inside of that tiny question with only three words are layers, levels and much more. The hints and snippets of partial answers come during childhood and hopefully during the teen years. But as the bumpy journey of life continues the question “Who am I?” resurfaces consciously or unconsciously at odd times until the end of this adventure we call life.

On a related note when a person seeks to do something that is not expected and outside the normal for a group then the question can come “Who do you think you are?”

The best advise from successful business owners to those who aspire to excel at business is to see them selves as already at the top of the top of their game running a business that is doing well. So internally they must see themselves as something they are not yet.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Black Plastic Chairs

Rows and rows of black plastic chairs are used by those seeking a drivers license.
The large waiting room is a busy hub.

After leaving here the person takes the proper papers to the clerk.
Essential data is entered into the giant computer system.
A quick picture is taken.

Then later the post office will deliver this super important identity card.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Common Staple

Still the common staple is an important part of good organization in our Digital Age.

Decades ago I heard the predictions of a paperless office.
But as the years roll along the need for paper and staples continues.

I see you there silent servant.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thread Wraps

Thread wraps around tightly so button is attached securely.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Small Yellow Flowers

Small yellow flowers decorate the front lawn.
Some say they are weeds, but they do not know that.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Little Girl

Little girl rollerblades along the sidewalk as grandmother watches.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pride and Greed

I can notice pride and greed when they are expressed excessively in others.

But surely they sometimes are expressed excessively in me.

I hope to notice these and then take steps to minimize them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

All the Projects

All the projects will never be completed.
Even as one is done more spring up.
So the grand challenge of life is to just accept that there will always be more to do than time to do it.

Meanwhile I organize and prioritize the projects and tasks within each project.
Then I apply relaxed discipline to keep doing the most important ones one day at a time.
Plus I take great care to weave into the week rest, fun, friends, exercise and spiritual growth.

I wish some person would have taught this to me decades ago.
Then I would not have needed to collect so many bumps and bruises on my soul.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Not to Think

I try not to think about how much waste is taken from his small household each year.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Point C Mess

Two cars left home.
One was white and the other one was red.
They were unaware of what the afternoon held.

We will call the start of the journey Point A for each one.
Each one had in mind a destination that we will call Point B for each one.

BUT at a busy intersection the white car collided with the red one.
We will call that Point C.
This incident was unplanned and unexpected.
The wreck took seconds to happen.
The results caused lots of other people to get involved.
It took a long time for the ripples of that event to calm.

Many other drivers witnessed the events.
Several of them called the emergency dispatchers at 9-1-1.

Fortunately no person was harmed.
But the vehicles sustained much damage.

Soon the police, ambulance and fire department arrived on the scene.
Statements were taken.
The detailed and multifaceted record of the brief event was made.

The insurance companies were informed.
They got involved.
Later money changed hands.

The body shops got involved.
They were paid.

The nearby Emergency Room was not involved this time.
But they continued their 24-7 vigilant stand by status in case of injuries.

On that day the two Point B destinations were not reached.
Instead the Point C mess led to lots of other ripples.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sentry Seeking

Crouching cat surveys the backyard garden like a sentry seeking anything out of order.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Daily Pollen

A new dusting of pollen arrives on the patio daily during this early spring season.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Green from Brown

Gradually the lawn is returning to green from the brown dormant state as the seasons continue to cycle.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bright Red Ambulance

Bright red ambulance passed carefully through the busy intersection.

The frantically flashing lights and desperately screaming siren signaled for others to make room.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Leaf Buds

Spring brings tiny leaf buds.
The suddenly appear on the bare tree branches.
Then for a  few weeks the little leaf buds grows fast to full size.
The whole tree has that special yellowish green color.
That is one of my favorite mini-seasons when trees are putting on leaves.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chairs Wait

The deck chairs wait passively in a semicircle.

Maybe today talkative people will congregate in them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Modern Office Jungle

Rumbling murmurs seem over the low walls of the cubicles.
Parts of various conversations swirl and blend.
Noise from printers and copiers come and go.

This is the background sound scape of the modern office jungle.

By contrast in an African jungle one might hear birds, monkeys and the wind in the trees.