Monday, January 20, 2014

Am I Beautiful?

Here is a three word question: “Am I beautiful?”
This is so simple on the surface.
Yet when a girl or woman asks that of themselves, then watch out!

The female wants the affirmation of a positive reply.
But while the answer, “Yes you are beautiful.” is simple it is not easy to get.

It seems that girls want their father and mother to tell them they are beautiful.
Also they want their female friends and especially certain males.
The search for positive answers continues as a woman.

This quest for beauty fuels the several industries in our economy.
Consider cosmetics, hair care, fashion, diet, fitness, cosmetic surgery and more.

The question “Am I beautiful?” can be sometimes related to the following questions.
“Am I acceptable?”
“Am I lovable?”
“Am I sexy?”
“Am I cool?”
“Am I hip?”
“Am I feminine (enough)?”

To complicate matters further the following internal issues can be involved.
Low self esteem

The ideals of beauty are on all around the females and males.
These are found in all kinds of places.
TV shows
Fashion shows

The images of beautiful women that appear in print have been digitally retouched.
There are online videos that show how many subtle changes make a huge difference.
So the flawless ideal that is presented is not humanly possible.

Plus there are many more layers and layers of complications.
All this springs from the three word question, “Am I beautiful?”


  1. Here is just one of many demonstrations of artificial beauty

  2. The question “Am I beautiful?” itself brings troubles.
    There is an implication that I am beautiful or I am not beautiful.

    I am beautiful is a state of being.
    But the unstated question is “Do you think I look beautiful?”
    So what is asked is for a subjective opinion.
    The saying goes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Each person that beholds has a different standard for beauty.
    That standard is fuzzy and not easy to describe.

    Men are known to especially like one feature of a woman.
    It might be rear, breasts, legs, feet, etc.
    Men may like a certain hair color.
    The world of porn is dominated by buxom blondes.
    Yet in the general population very few females are naturally buxom and blonde.
    Just look around the malls and compare those to the ideals of fashion or porn.

    The matter of beauty is far from black or white.
    Consider all kinds of beauty contests.
    There are contests for females of all ages.
    Typically there is a panel of judges.
    Those carefully selected experts are not unanimous on their votes.
    There is subjectivity even for those with a trained eye.

    Beauty is not a single and stable standard.
    Consider the changes of fashion over the course of decades and centuries.
    What was mostly highly valued long ago is not appreciated as much today.
    Consider how beauty varies around the globe.
    Recall photos of women from various countries and cultures.
    Even within the current generation of teens there is a range of what is highly prized.

    There are interviews on You Tube that ask “What is beauty?”
    The top fashion models say the base of true beauty is self-confidence.
    Many of them said that directly or indirectly.
    The problem with that answer is that it cannot be but in a pill or lotion.
    So how does a woman gain self confidence in order to believe she is beautiful?
    Certainly is it not be frantically chasing after all the latest fads of fashion.
    It is not by abusing their body with crazy diets.
    It is not by ignoring their natural beauty.
