Friday, February 28, 2014

I Cannot Read

Every year there are more new stores with names I cannot read.

The ethnic population of Dallas Texas increases.

They eat foods I never have.
They speak languages I never will.

Still together we share this city.
Our future will not be the same as the past.

So how can I plan and prepare to optimize my contributions?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Skirt of Dirt

After the rain shower the sides of the vehicles gained a grey skirt of dirt from the dried road film.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strong stiff wind

Strong stiff wind required me to lean forward slightly.

Those were great conditions for kites and sailboats.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pool Table Setting

The equipment is simple.
There is a pool table, balls, triangle to set balls and pool cues.
Those are the essentials and maybe there are a few more items.

The game welcomes players of all skill levels.
The facts of physics determine the result of each shot.
Intuitive understanding of geometry and much practice improves performance.
There are some strategies and tactics that can be taught.

Beer drinking is not required and too much will hinder the outcome.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pruned Rose Bush

In mid-February the pruned rose bush is not pretty.
The jumble of stems with thorns is not visually appealing.
It is not obvious or logical that lovely flowers will come from that mess.

But memories and an understanding of seasons says to wait and see.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

And the winner is ... Minimal Monday

Life is not fair

There seems to be an ingrained assumption that life should always be fair.
Yet the reality is that is not the facts.
Mostly life seems fair most of the times.
But when it does not seem fair it comes as a shock.

Part of maturing in to responsible adulthood is learning to cope with the unfairness.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lowly Potato

In the grocery store and in the kitchen is an overabundance of options.
But there in the midst of the boxes, cans, frozen items and more is the lowly potato.
For me this is a very humble item on the menu of possibilities.

It does not look flashy.
It does not over promise then under deliver.
It just sits and waits patiently.

In the hands of a loving mother or trained chef the potato becomes special.
As a single man that has lived alone for decades it had been a staple.
I liked to cut it up, boil it until soft and make mashed potatoes with the skins on.
Then I add some salad dressing and tuna or chicken.
Suddenly I have the lazy cook’s casserole.
All during the day and night I would much on it.
It was filling and tasty.

That was a big part of my diet for decades.
Then I moved in with some housemates.
I have not done that for a long time and I am not sure why.
Maybe it is because one of the housemates loves to cook.
Maybe it is because there are frozen dinner packages with pretty pictures.
Maybe it is because there I have found some instant potatoes that are acceptable.

Recently I noticed the bin with the lowly potatoes just patiently waiting.
They were not shouting at me or even whispering.
They just silently waited.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I am sorry

In order to apologize it takes some courage and humility.
Those are noble virtues.
An apology can mend fences and reopen bridges.
This is best for the long term.

The alternative to sit, soak and stew is toxic.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This is Your Spot

The shopping center has a massive plot of black asphalt for a parking lot.
There were new white stripes to lay out the acceptable locations to park.

After exiting my car to walk to the book store I noticed my error.
Part of the car was a foot over the line and in the next parking space.
So I got back in the car and moved within the boundaries.

On one hand this is reasonable to make room for as many cars as possible.

On the other hand it seemed slightly silly while I was doing it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rows of Too Perfect Faces

At the mega bookstore there is a huge selection of magazines.
Dozens of them are dedicated to fashion and beauty.
Passing by them it seemed bleachers filled with lovely ladies.

What I could see was this month’s version of an ideal woman.
What I know from research is that all of these images are faked in some ways.
What I see is not what the photographer saw but was digitally enhanced.
What the photographer saw was more than a few times after plastic surgery.

I was observing countless dollars and hours seeking for physical perfection.
The rows of too perfect faces are on the covers of issues to sell products.
Those products will lead to the slippery slope of temporary attractiveness. 

What keeps these wheels turning is pride, shame, vanity, envy, greed and insecurity.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

I do not know

Many years ago it was difficult for me to admit when I did not know.
Then gradually I learned to make this simple admission, “I do not know.”
I found it to be liberating.
I find that admitting is better than lying, bluffing or changing the subject.

Admitting I do not know involves humility, honesty and truthfulness.
These are honorable virtues.
Pretending to know what I do not know involves faking, obscuring and deceiving.
Those traits contaminate my character.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pigeon Formations

Clusters of pigeons roost on the top of the signs and buildings near a busy intersection.
Then suddenly many but not all leap into the sky.
Together they fly in formations that go up, down, around and then split.
After the aerial ballet within a half a block they go back to roost again.
This is repeated all day except when some descend on a patch of lawn for a while.  

There they peck and peck quickly for some food before returning to the roost.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thank You

Here is such a simple expression that communicates much.

These two words are part of what parents teach children as part of good manners.

Yet some adults neglect this simple courtesy. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dashboard Talks to Me

For a few hours recently the car radio was out of order.
Then I noticed how much I enjoy and missed the PBS programing.

It can be like traveling with a smart and friendly companion.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Just sign here.

Those three words “Just sing here” are an invitation.

What follows is a person makes a unique mark.
It might or might not be readable.

Then the deal is done.
The contract begins.
The money changes hands.
The legal document is put into force.
It might lead to a car, house, cell phone plan or surgery.

There are a few words that lead to a special action then much bigger actions.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Warm Gloves

Warm gloves successfully blocked cold winds.

Six word Saturday